10+ Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris UTBK: Menentukan Makna Kata dan Tips Mengerjakannya

oleh | Jun 13, 2024 | Tips Belajar | 0 Komentar

Sebagai salah satu bahasa yang banyak digunakan di dunia akademik, Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang wajib kamu latih sebelum mengerjakan soal UTBK SNBT. 

Tingkat kesulitan soal Bahasa Inggris dalam UTBK SNBT setara dengan soal Bahasa Inggris untuk tes TOEFL dan IELTS tingkat intermediate (level CEFR B2). Hanya saja, tidak ada soal listening, speaking atau writing dalam UTBK. Kamu akan fokus mengerjakan soal dalam bentuk reading comprehension

Meskipun demikian, soal-soal reading comprehension Bahasa Inggris dalam UTBK ini umumnya juga terdiri dari beberapa tipe, seperti mencari informasi umum (general information), mencari informasi spesifik (specific information) hingga mencari potensi ide paragraf selanjutnya. 

Termasuk diantara tipe soal literasi Bahasa Inggris tersebut adalah mencari makna kata. Biasanya, soal-soal seperti ini diminta untuk mencari padanan kata (sinonim), lawan kata (antonim), relative pronoun atau conjunction yang harus digunakan dan lain sebagainya. Tidak jarang juga, kalimat pertanyaan soal tipe ini diakhiri dengan frasa, seperti “closest meaning to”, “means” atau “replaced by”. 

Berikut ini 10 contoh soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris menemukan makna kata dan tips mengerjakannya:

10+ Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris UTBK: Menentukan Makna Kata

1. Soal 1 


Technology has revolutionized the field of education in unprecedented ways. From the advent of online learning platforms to the use of AI in personalized tutoring, the landscape of education has transformed dramatically in recent years. These advancements promise greater accessibility and the potential to tailor learning experiences to individual needs.

One of the key advantages of technology in education is the ability to bridge geographical barriers. Students in remote areas can now access quality educational resources and participate in virtual classrooms, something that was not possible a few decades ago. Moreover, online platforms offer a wealth of information and learning materials that cater to diverse learning styles and preferences.

However, the integration of technology in education also presents several challenges. The digital divide remains a significant issue, with students from underprivileged backgrounds having less access to necessary devices and reliable internet connections. Furthermore, the over-reliance on technology may result in reduced interpersonal skills and a lesser emphasis on traditional, in-person learning experiences.

Still, when effectively integrated and combined with traditional teaching methods, technology has the potential to enhance educational outcomes significantly. Educators and policymakers must work together to ensure that technological advancements benefit all students and do not widen existing educational disparities.

The phrase “significant issue“ is closest in meaning to…

Pilihan Jawaban

  1. Major problem
  2. Minor inconvenience
  3. Trivial matter
  4. Big hurdle
  5. Negligible concern

Jawaban : A


Dalam konteks Teks 2, frasa “significant issue” merujuk pada masalah yang memiliki dampak besar dan serius. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita perlu mencari sinonim yang paling mendekati makna tersebut.

Mari kita evaluasi pilihan jawaban satu per satu:

A. Major problem

“Masalah besar” sangat sesuai dengan makna “significant issue” karena menunjukkan masalah yang serius dan perlu mendapat perhatian.

B. Minor inconvenience

“Ketidaknyamanan kecil” tidak mencerminkan tingkat keseriusan yang sama dengan “significant issue”.

C. Trivial matter

“Masalah sepele” juga tidak sesuai karena merujuk pada sesuatu yang tidak penting atau tidak serius.

D. Big hurdle

“Rintangan besar” juga bisa berarti masalah serius. Namun, frasa ini lebih condong pada hambatan fisik atau metaforis, bukan masalah dalam arti luas.

E. Negligible concern

“Keprihatinan yang dapat diabaikan” jelas tidak sesuai karena ini merujuk pada sesuatu yang tidak penting.

Pilihan yang paling tepat adalah yang memberi makna “masalah besar” dalam konteks serius yang dibicarakan di dalam teks.

2. Soal 2

While the concept of sustainable fashion has gained traction, transitioning the entire industry towards a circular model presents significant challenges. A circular economy in fashion involves designing, producing, and consuming clothing in a way that minimizes waste and maximizes resource efficiency.

One of the primary obstacles is the deep-rooted linear model of the fashion industry, where clothing is produced, consumed, and ultimately discarded. Breaking this cycle requires a fundamental shift in mindset and operational practices across the entire supply chain, from designers and manufacturers to retailers and consumers.

Another challenge lies in the complexity of the fashion supply chain, which often involves multiple stages and stakeholders across different countries and continents. Ensuring transparency, traceability, and adherence to sustainable practices at every step becomes a formidable task.

Furthermore, the availability and affordability of sustainable materials and technologies remain a concern. Organic cotton, for instance, is more expensive to produce than conventional cotton, and the development of new eco-friendly fibers and dyes requires significant investment in research and development.

Pertanyaan :

What does the term “circular economy” in fashion refer to?

Pilihan Jawaban

  1. Producing clothing in a cyclical pattern
  2. Designing, producing, and consuming clothing with minimal waste
  3. Adopting a circular approach to marketing and sales
  4. Creating clothing from recycled materials only
  5. Encouraging consumers to keep buying new clothes regularly

Jawaban : B


Sirkular ekonomi adalah konsep baru dalam perekonomian yang memahami bahwa proses produksi dan konsumsi barang dan jasa harus ramah lingkungan, termasuk diantaranya adalah dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang ramah lingkungan dan meminimalisir sampah. 

Dalam konteks industri fashion, paragraf 2 secara jelas menjelaskan bahwa sirkular ekonomi dalam industri fashion adalah “designing, producing, and consuming clothing in a way that minimizes waste and maximizes resource efficiency”. Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah B.

3. Soal 3


Using detergent to wash clothes has become a basic need for households. Today’s detergents are often composed of chemicals, particularly surfactants and additions like sodium sulfate, borax, and sodium chloride that are hard for microbes to decompose. Detergents contain chemicals that work to remove oil, create foam, and improve cleaning power. These chemical components, however, have hazardous qualities and adverse environmental effects. The reason for this is that these compounds remain intact and frothy because they are very tough for enzymatic bacteria decomposers to break down.

Detergent waste that cannot be easily broken down will decrease soil fertility and contaminate water to the point of endangering organisms in the water. Water contaminated by detergent waste is also harmful to health as it can trigger cancer due to the accumulation of surfactants in the human body. To minimize those negative impacts, environmentally friendly and renewable materials are now being used in the development of detergents. The development of eco-friendly detergents is being adopted by residents of a village under the guidance of IPB University.

Faculty member of the Department of Economics and Environmental Resources at IPB University, Meti Ekayani, has stated that Cibanteng village in Bogor, West Java, which is one of the development partner villages of IPB University, is facing problems related to waste management. As a solution to address the issue of waste, an environmentally friendly detergent has been developed. Ecoenzyme is a solution of complex organic substances from the fermentation of organic waste, especially from vegetable waste, fruit peels and fruit waste. Vegetable and fruit waste that has not been too damaged can be reused because it still contains ingredients such as carotenoids, enzymes, polyphenols, oils, vitamins, microorganisms and acidity values.

What is ecoenzyme, as mentioned in the article?

Pilihan Jawaban

  1. A synthetic material used in detergent production
  2. A detergent with harmful chemicals
  3. A type of bacteria used to break down detergent waste
  4. An Importing detergents from other regions
  5. A complex organic substance from the fermentation of organic waste

Jawaban : E


Kata ecoenzyme terletak di paragraf tiga baris ke-4. Di kalimat tersebut dijelaskan bahwa Ecoenzyme adalah solusi dari zat-zat organik kompleks yang dihasilkan dari fermentasi sampah-sampah organik. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

4. Soal 4


Some people think that advances in science and biotechnology could hold the answer to preventing a future food crisis. Increased rates of photosynthesis and higher crop yields can be achieved by modifying the genetic makeup of staple crops like rice. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants that are generated by this technique, which is known as genetic manipulation. There are several uses for genetic manipulation outside just increasing crop productivity. Scientists have created genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that include higher vitamin content than typical ones. Additionally, other GMO crops are immune to popular agricultural pesticides that were used to eradicate nearby weeds, as well as pests like fungi, viruses, and insects. Food products that are made from, or contain traces of genetically modified organisms are known as GM foods.

According to scientists, a genetically modified variety of “super-rice” might increase rice yield by up to 35%. A different variety of rice known as “golden rice,” which has extra vitamin added, may be able to lessen vitamin A deficiency in over 120 children globally. Some might assume that people all around the world would warmly embrace such scientific advancements. In actuality, though, one of the most contentious topics of our day is genetic manipulation. For a lot of people, it draws attention to the thin line that separates the dangers of environmental degradation from the advantages of scientific advancement and technology.

The word “eradicate” in the bold one has a similar meaning to ….

Pilihan Jawaban

  1. Combat.
  2. Add.
  3. Develop.
  4. Erase.
  5. Nourish.

Jawaban : A


Kata “eradicate” berarti membasi, memberantas, atau memusnahkan. Jadi, kata “combat” memiliki makna sama karena berarti memberantas. Kata “erase” kurang tepat karena berarti menghapuskan sesuatu yang lebih berkaitan dengan benda.

5. Soal 5


Celebrated scientist and astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) produced an improved telescope and made numerous important astronomical discoveries. Because of his support for the Copernican doctrine, which held that the sun was at the center of the solar system, he was given a life sentence by the inquisition.

Galileo was born in 1564 to an aristocratic yet impoverished household in Florence, Italy. His parents made sacrifices to ensure he received an education because they saw their child’s innate intelligence and talent. Galileo pursued his studies in the lucrative field of medicine at his father’s suggestion. However, while attending the University of Pisa, Galileo developed a fascination with a variety of topics. Additionally, he criticized a lot of Aristotle’s teachings, which had dominated education for the previous two millennia.

Galileo was chosen to teach mathematics at the University of Pisa, but he was shunned by his peers for his harsh criticisms of Aristotle. He quit and moved to the University of Padua, where he taught arithmetic, following three years of persecution. He was able to spend the next eighteen years exploring his interests in mechanics and astronomy because to the vast audience his engaging lectures drew.

The underlined word in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ….

Pilihan Jawaban

  1. Strident.
  2. Acquired.
  3. Inborn.
  4. Multiple.
  5. Ingenious.

Jawaban : C


Kata ‘innate’ bermakna bawaan atau sesuatu yang sudah dimiliki sejak lahir. Kata ini bermakna sama dengan ‘inborn’ yang juga berarti bawaan dari lahir.

6. Soal 6


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

Persian dancers show perfect control of muscles _____ many people hardly use at all.

Pilihan Jawaban

  1. Where
  2. When
  3. Which
  4. What
  5. Why

Jawaban : C


Untuk menyambungkan 2 frasa di atas, relative pronoun yang digunakan adalah which. Hal ini karena yang disambungkan adalah kata “muscles” atau otot yang notabene merupakan obyek dan bukan manusia. 

7. Soal 7


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

James Thurber was a celebrated American humorist _____ famous for both his comic writings and his cartoon-like drawings.

Pilihan Jawaban

  1. whom became
  2. who became
  3. became
  4. who becoming
  5. whom becoming

Jawaban : B


Jawaban yang benar adalah B. Hal ini karena kata yang disambungkan adalah “James Thurber” yang notabene merupakan noun  (manusia) dengan posisi sebagai subyek. Who disambung dengan kata became sebagai verb, sebab pada kalimat kedua tidak ada kata kerja atau verb yang bisa digunakan. Became merupakan verb 2 dari become. Became digunakan karena pada kalimat kedua terdapat verb bentuk kedua juga yaitu “was”. Dengan demikian dapat diasumsikan kalau James Thurber “dulunya” adalah pelawak terkenal Amerika Serikat yang terkenal karena kemampuannya menulis komik dan menggambar seperti kartun.

8. Soal 8

The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) has been one of the most significant developments in the automotive industry in recent years. EVs are powered by rechargeable batteries and electric motors, offering a cleaner and more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. The adoption of EVs has been driven by several factors, including increasing concerns about climate change, government incentives, and advances in battery technology.

One of the primary advantages of EVs is their lower environmental impact. By eliminating the need for fossil fuels, EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This is particularly important in urban areas, where air quality is often a significant concern. Additionally, as more countries shift towards renewable energy sources for electricity generation, the environmental benefits of EVs will continue to grow.

Another advantage of EVs is their lower operating costs. Electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline, and EVs are more efficient than traditional vehicles, meaning they require less energy to travel the same distance. This can result in significant savings for EV owners over the life of the vehicle. Furthermore, EVs have fewer moving parts than gasoline-powered vehicles, which can lead to lower maintenance costs.

However, there are also challenges associated with the widespread adoption of EVs. One of the primary concerns is the limited range of current EV models, which can cause “range anxiety” for drivers who fear running out of power before reaching their destination. Additionally, the initial cost of EVs is often higher than that of comparable gasoline-powered vehicles, although this is expected to change as battery costs continue to decline and economies of scale improve.

The phrase “renewable energy“ is closest in meaning to…

Pilihan Jawaban

  1. Non-renewable energy
  2. Fossil fuels
  3. Sustainable energy
  4. Nuclear energy
  5. Traditional energy

Jawaban: C


Renewable energy berarti energi yang dapat diperbaharui (energi terbarukan). Frasa ini umumnya digunakan untuk menggambarkan energi yang tidak berasal dari bahan bakar fosil (fossil fuels), seperti batu bara. Hal ini karena bahan bakar fosil dinilai tidak dapat diperbaharui (Non-renewable energy). 

Renewable energy ini umumnya berasal dari sumber yang lebih ramah lingkungan, seperti sinar matahari (solar energy) atau angin yang notabene jumlah penggunaannya tidak tergantung dengan cadangan sumber daya alam yang ada di perut bumi, sehingga dapat digunakan secara berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu, frasa yang memiliki makna paling dekat dengan renewable energy adalah sustainable energy (energi berkelanjutan).

9.Soal 9


Do animals really alert us about incoming bad weather? You could believe that animals can foretell the weather if your dog constantly goes inside just before it starts to rain. You may have heard that when a strong storm is coming, cats get feisty. It would probably be more appropriate to state that rather than the weather itself, animals respond to certain environmental cues that coincide with changes in the weather.

There is a common belief that animals can sense some catastrophes, such as earthquakes, immediately upon their occurrence, regardless of how far away the original event occurs. Although those in the immediate vicinity of the disaster would not benefit much from this skill, those further away from the epicenter might benefit. Some scientists even think that animals could be able to detect these events’ antecedents before they happen. They claim that, especially in comparison to humans, animals utilize their five senses more than people do. Nevertheless, there is very little concrete proof for this—most of the data is anecdotal.

The sense of hearing is the most important. Some sounds are inaudible to humans. Infrasonic, or low-pitched, sound waves on the hertz frequency scale that fall below 20 hertz (Hz) are at the bottom of the scale. Dog whistles and other high-pitched noises are on the other end. Human hearing normally ranges from 20 to 20,000 Hz (adults in their middle years frequently do not hear frequencies higher than 12,000 or 14,000 Hz). However, elephants often detect sounds between 16 and 12,000 Hz. Cattle can hear up to 40,000 Hz, but they begin to detect sound at 16 Hz as well. Additionally, infrasonic sounds are produced by ocean waves and earthquake shockwaves.

Some studies believe that because elephants have huge feet that allow them to hear shockwaves in the ground, they receive early earthquake warnings. Although they cannot hear the sound, they can feel strange, far-off vibrations coming towards them, which frightens them and makes them run for cover. It is generally unknown how other animals, not just elephants, pick up on these vibrations. Scientists are investigating several organs, body parts, and nerve chains in a range of animals that could be able to detect vibrations in the sound that humans are unable to detect.


The word “catastrophes” has an opposite meaning to ….

Pilihan Jawaban

  1. Phenomenon.
  2. Blockbuster.
  3. Contentment.
  4. Accident.
  5. Apocalypse.


Kata ‘catastrophes’ bermakna bencana atau musibah. Satu-satunya opsi yang berlawanan kata ‘Contentment’ yang artinya puas atau kebahagiaan.

10. Soal 10


Selfies are becoming more popular now that many teenagers consider smartphones to be standard. Selfies, which are simply self-portraits, are widely shared online and on social networking platforms. Selfies can cause some issues, even if they can initially seem innocent.

Teenagers frequently share selfies on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. After then, they watch to see what kind of response they get. Regrettably, a lot of teenagers base their sense of value on what other people think of their selfies. When a teen posts a selfie and gets compliments on it, they could feel happy. Still, a teenager may feel hurt if they receive no answer. Some teenagers go far when trying to shoot the ideal selfie in an attempt to elicit good responses from others.

Teenagers who struggle with mental health concerns can be particularly vulnerable to developing a selfie obsession. There have been stories of some kids spending hours each day trying to capture a flawless selfie that may assist gain accolades from others on social media. Unfortunately, a teen’s social life and education may suffer as a result of this kind of preoccupation if it gets too strong.

The word “elicit” has a similar meaning to, EXCEPT….

Pilihan Jawaban

  1. Get
  2. Find
  3. Release
  4. Receive
  5. Spend

Jawaban : E


Kata ‘elicit’ pada kalimat “Some teenagers go far when trying to shoot the ideal selfie in an attempt to elicit good responses from others”, bermakna bahwa para remaja berusaha mendapatkan tanggapan/respons yang baik dari orang lain atas unggahan selfienya. Opsi A s.d. D memiliki makna yang sama, yaitu menerima atau memperoleh. Sementara itu, opsi (E) bermakna mengeluarkan atau menghabiskan. Jadi, opsi (E) tidak sesuai dengan makna pada konteks kalimat tersebut.

Tips Mengerjakan Soal Bahasa Inggris Menentukan Makna Kata

1. Membaca dengan teknik scanning

Seperti yang kamu lihat pada contoh soal di atas, bacaan soal-soal literasi Bahasa Inggris cenderung panjang. Jika kamu membaca keseluruhan paragraf untuk menemukan satu atau dua kata yang dimaksud dalam soal, tentunya kamu akan kehabisan waktu. 

Oleh karena itu, kamu sebaiknya mengembangkan teknik membaca scanning atau memindai untuk mencari kata yang dimaksud. Perhatikan-kata-kata yang ditulis miring, memiliki garis bawah dan atau dibuat tebal. Tentu akan lebih beruntung jika soal dengan tegas menyebutkan nomor kalimat atau paragraf yang berisi kata tersebut. 

2. Belajar dengan membaca berita dan jurnal dalam Bahasa Inggris

Karena menggunakan konteks akademik, kata-kata yang digunakan dalam Tes Bahasa Inggris juga merupakan kata-kata akademik (academic english) yang bisa jadi akan susah kamu temukan dalam konteks pembicaraan biasa. Misalnya, kata eradicate yang bermakna memberantas di atas bisa diganti dengan kata fight against dalam konteks Bahasa Inggris umum. 

Maka dari itu, cara mempelajari kata-kata yang mungkin keluar dalam soal ini adalah dengan membaca jurnal atau koran dalam Bahasa Inggris. Catat kata-kata yang tidak kamu pahami dan segera cari artinya menggunakan kamus atau Google Translate. Hafalkan dan gunakan kata-kata tersebut untuk berjaga-jaga apabila keluar di soal tes kamu nanti. 

3. Pelajari konteks kalimat

Kata dalam Bahasa Inggris bisa memiliki beberapa makna sekaligus. Misalnya, kata “established” bisa bermakna didirikan (jika passive voice), mendirikan, mapan dan beberapa makna lainnya. Jika kamu ragu menentukan makna suatu kata atau bahkan tidak mengerti artinya sama sekali, kamu bisa memperkirakan maknanya berdasarkan konteks yang disebutkan dalam satu kalimat sebelum kata tersebut dan kalimat sesudahnya. 

Misalnya,  kamu tidak bisa menentukan makna kata catastrophes di contoh soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris nomor 9. Kamu, bisa melihat konteks kalimat utuhnya, yaitu “There is a common belief that animals can sense some catastrophes, such as earthquakes, immediately upon their occurrence, regardless of how far away the original event occurs”, yang berarti “ Terdapat kepercayaan yang umum dipahami (oleh masyarakat) bahwa hewan dapat merasakan beberapa ……, seperti gempa bumi, segera setelah bencana tersebut terjadi, terlepas dari jauh bencana tersebut terjadi.

Dari konteks tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa arti kata  catastrophes adalah bencana alam. 

4. Hati-hati dengan kata pengecualian

Dalam beberapa contoh soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris di atas, terdapat kata “except” atau “opposite meaning to”. Kata-kata seperti ini ditujukan untuk menguji fokus kamu dan mendorongmu untuk menjawab dengan pilihan yang salah. 

Misalnya soal “The word “catastrophes” has an opposite meaning to “. Apabila kamu kurang hati-hati,  kamu bisa memilih “accident”, “apocalypse” yang memiliki arti kurang lebih sama dengan catastrophes. Padahal frasa opposite meaning to justru meminta peserta untuk memilih jawaban yang artinya berlawanan. 

5. Mengerjakan latihan soal

Hal yang tidak kalah penting dalam mengerjakan soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris tipe menentukan makna kata adalah mengerjakan latihan soal. Sebab dengan mengerjakan latihan soal, kamu tidak hanya akan mendapatkan kosa kata baru, tetapi juga bisa mengevaluasi waktu. Akan ada 30 soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris yang perlu kamu kerjakan dalam waktu 20 menit. Oleh karena itu, manajemen waktu menjadi sangat penting.

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