10+ Contoh Soal Persamaan Kata UTBK SNBT Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasannya

oleh | Apr 13, 2024 | Tips Belajar | 0 Komentar

Selain matematika, mata pelajaran yang paling banyak ditakuti oleh calon peserta UTBK SNBT adalah bahasa Inggris. Itulah mengapa SkulChamps harus terbiasa dengan jenis soal dan kosakata yang sering muncul di UTBK SNBT.

Nah, agar memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggris kamu, berikut ada contoh soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris tentang persamaan kata. Mari simak contoh soal dan pembahasannya pada artikel berikut ini!

Contoh Soal Persamaan Kata UTBK SNBT Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasannya

Salah satu variasi soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris adalah tentang persamaan kata. Jika kamu sering merasa kesulitan saat mengerjakannya, coba perhatikan dan kerjakan contoh soal persamaan kata bahasa Inggris di bawah ini:

1. Soal 1

One of the group’s monkeys receives grooming sessions as a kind reward for becoming the only one with the ability to distribute apples. But the market worth of the first monkey is cut in half as soon as another monkey learns how to distribute apples as well. Therefore, the law of supply and demand is strictly followed by the monkeys. In two groups of South African vervet monkeys, food containers containing highly-desired apple slices were placed by researchers as part of the experiment.

There was only one issue for the monkeys: only one person in each group was able to access the food container. This monkey was little groomed because it was low on the rank hierarchy. But as soon as she was able to distribute apples, the other members of the group began to value her more and gave her a lot of attention. She could only take advantage of this luxury for a short while, though, since the researchers positioned a second food container that another low-ranking female could open. The first monkey’s market worth was cut in half after that, and as a result, she received half as much grooming.

The results of the trials showed that female monkeys who had the ability to open food containers were more thoroughly groomed than those who had no control over food production. Also, the females in question did not need to spend as much time grooming the other monkeys. As a result, they received payment for providing food. The rule of supply and demand should determine the market value of these female monkeys, according to biological market theory. This theory is supported by the observation that the first monkey’s grooming time was cut in half as soon as the second monkey acquired the ability to distribute apples; in this scenario, the price of the goods—the female monkeys who were able to open the containers—was immediately adjusted to the market. The length of time the females were groomed was noted by the researchers as soon as the food containers were opened. However, it would be a few days before the girls could open a container again. 

The fact that the female vervet monkeys were still being groomed more suggests that the monkeys use a long-term effective method. Long-term attitudes also play a role in partner selection; monkeys may value one individual more than the others. Only through negotiation is a price adjustment feasible (grooming for a shorter period of time if another monkey provides the apples). A lot of economists believe that these kinds of talks can only happen when they end in a contract. Even though the vervet monkeys are unable to sign legally enforceable agreements, they are nevertheless able to consent to a change in the cost of a service.

The word “strictly” has a similar meaning to … EXCEPT

A. Unerringly.

B. Appropriate.

C. Precisely.

D. Accurate.

E. Unwillingness.

Jawaban: E


Kata “strictly” memiliki makna yang sama dengan patuh atau secara tepat mengikuti aturan yang ada. Dalam hal ini, para monyet menerapkan aturan permintaan dan penawaran secara patuh. Opsi (A) s.d. (D) mengandung makna yang sama, yaitu tepat atau sesuai. Opsi (E) tidak tepat karena memiliki arti enggan atau tidak memiliki keinginan. 

2. Soal 2

Wind power has been used by humans for at least 5,500 years to drive sailboats, sailing ships, power windmills, and, more recently, generate electricity, however its applications have been restricted by the wind’s speed and intensity volatility.

A recent research by scientists from the Carnegie Institution and California State University, on the other hand, produced the first-ever worldwide survey of wind energy accessible at high elevations in the atmosphere. The researchers evaluated wind power potential in terms of wind power density, which considers both wind speed and air density at various elevations in the world’s five major cities: Tokyo, New York, São Paulo, Seoul, and Mexico City. 

They discovered that there is a tremendous amount of energy accessible in high altitude winds, particularly near jet streams. Jet streams are meandering belts of rapid winds at altitudes ranging from 20 to 50,000 feet that change periodically but are otherwise constant characteristics of the atmosphere. Jet stream winds are usually more consistent and 10 times faster than land winds, making them a potentially enormous and dependable source of energy. Several technical techniques have been proposed to harness this energy, including tethered, kite-like wind turbines lofted to jet stream altitudes.

The word “enormous” has the closest meaning to ….

A. Huge. 

B. Terrifying. 

C. Fantastic. 

D. Awesome. 

E. Weak. 

Jawaban: A


Kata enormous artinya adalah besar sekali. Hal ini sesuai dengan makna pada kalimat tersebut yang menyatakan bahwa energi angin bisa lebih besar kekuatannya. Jadi, kata yang memiliki makna selaras adalah kata huge

3. Soal 3

You’ve asked your friend to supper. When your youngster notices your buddy reaching for cookies, he or she says, “Better not take those, or you’ll get even bigger.” You’re ashamed that your youngster could be so impolite. However, you should consider that your youngster may not know how to use language effectively in social circumstances and that the statement was not intended to be hurtful. A person may speak well and utilize long, complicated phrases with accurate grammar, but he or she will still have communication difficulty if he or she has not grasped the norms of social language known as pragmatics.

Adults may also struggle with pragmatics, as a result of a brain damage or stroke, for example. A person with pragmatic issues may speak inappropriate or unconnected things during talks, recount stories in a disorganized manner, or use language in a monotonous manner. It is not uncommon for youngsters to experience pragmatic difficulties in only a few settings. A pragmatic disorder may arise if issues with social language usage occur often and appear inappropriate given the child’s age. Pragmatic difficulties are frequently associated with other language issues such as vocabulary growth or grammar.

The word “supper” has a similar meaning to ….

A. Party.

B. Dinner.

C. Picnic.

D. Ceremony.

E. Prom.

Jawaban: B


Kata supper merupakan bentuk slang dari kata dinner. Kedua kata tersebut memiliki makna yang sama, yaitu makan malam. 

4. Soal 4

Some people think that advances in science and biotechnology could hold the answer to preventing a future food crisis. Increased rates of photosynthesis and higher crop yields can be achieved by modifying the genetic makeup of staple crops like rice. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants that are generated by this technique, which is known as genetic manipulation. There are several uses for genetic manipulation outside just increasing crop productivity. Scientists have created genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that include higher vitamin content than typical ones. Additionally, other GMO crops are immune to popular agricultural pesticides that were used to eradicate nearby weeds, as well as pests like fungi, viruses, and insects. Food products that are made from, or contain traces of genetically modified organisms are known as GM foods.

According to scientists, a genetically modified variety of “super-rice” might increase rice yield by up to 35%. A different variety of rice known as “golden rice,” which has extra vitamin added, may be able to lessen vitamin A deficiency in over 120 children globally. Some might assume that people all around the world would warmly embrace such scientific advancements. In actuality, though, one of the most contentious topics of our day is genetic manipulation. For a lot of people, it draws attention to the thin line that separates the dangers of environmental degradation from the advantages of scientific advancement and technology.

The word “eradicate” in the bold one has a similar meaning to ….

A. Combat.

B. Add.

C. Develop.

D. Erase.

E. Nourish.

Jawaban: A


Kata “eradicate” berarti membasi, memberantas, atau memusnahkan. Jadi, kata “combat” memiliki makna sama karena berarti memberantas. Kata “erase” kurang tepat karena berarti menghapuskan sesuatu yang lebih berkaitan dengan benda. 

5. Soal 5

Celebrated scientist and astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564–1642)  produced an improved telescope and made numerous important astronomical discoveries. Because of his support for the Copernican doctrine, which held that the sun was at the center of the solar system, he was given a life sentence by the inquisition.

Galileo was born in 1564 to an aristocratic yet impoverished household in Florence, Italy. His parents made sacrifices to ensure he received an education because they saw their child’s innate intelligence and talent. Galileo pursued his studies in the lucrative field of medicine at his father’s suggestion. However, while attending the University of Pisa, Galileo developed a fascination with a variety of topics. Additionally, he criticized a lot of Aristotle’s teachings, which had dominated education for the previous two millennia.

Galileo was chosen to teach mathematics at the University of Pisa, but he was shunned by his peers for his harsh criticisms of Aristotle. He quit and moved to the University of Padua, where he taught arithmetic, following three years of persecution. He was able to spend the next eighteen years exploring his interests in mechanics and astronomy because to the vast audience his engaging lectures drew.

The underlined word in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ….

A. Strident.

B. Acquired.

C. Inborn.

D. Multiple.

E. Ingenious.

Jawaban: C


Kata ‘innate’ bermakna bawaan atau sesuatu yang sudah dimiliki sejak lahir. Kata ini bermakna sama dengan ‘inborn’ yang juga berarti bawaan dari lahir. 

6. Soal 6

Sports equipment used for skateboarding is called a skateboard. A skateboard is made of a maple wood board that has been properly constructed and coated with polyurethane for increased durability and smoother slides. Seven plies of this wood are used to make most skateboards. 

There are many skateboards with unique or unusual designs. The deck (which frequently has grip tape placed to the top to increase traction), trucks (which have urethane bushings), wheels (which have sealed bearings), and nuts and bolts to secure the wheel assembly and truck to the deck’s bottom. Electric skateboards have been around recently. emerged. These days, a skateboard can be propelled by an electric motor that is powered by an electric battery instead of needing to be propelled by the feet.

The intended purpose of the board determines the types in major parts. The longboard and the shortboard are the two most popular varieties of skateboards. Skateboards that have larger, softer wheels and longer wheelbases—more than 33 inches—are known as longboards. The rounded nose in the front is a shortboard. Typically, their length is under 34 inches. Additionally, shortboards are primarily utilized for tricks, whereas longboards are often quicker and used for racing and cruising. 

The bold word in paragraph 1 has a similar meaning to …

A. Endurance.

B. Subdued.

C. Shaky.

D. Stability.

E. Enormity.

Jawaban: A


Kata ‘durability’ bermakna daya tahan atau kemampuan sebuah benda dalam menahan beban di atasnya. Kata ini memiliki makna yang sama dengan ‘endurance’ yang berarti kekuatan atau kemampuan. 

7. Soal 7

An animal that is unique from Australia is the Kangaroo. The wallaby, a tiny relative of its, inhabits Tasmania and New Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and vegetation. They have a long tail, powerful rear legs, and short front legs. These are used for jumping and sitting up. The 8-meter forward leap and the more than 3-meter high leap over fences are two of kangaroos’ most well-known jumps. They are also capable of running faster than 45 kilometers per hour. The Great Grey and Red Kangaroos are the largest species of kangaroo. Kangaroos reach an adult height of one meter and a weight of 90 kilograms. Mammals are what kangaroos are. This indicates that the front of the female kangaroo’s body has an external pouch. The baby kangaroo is very tiny when it was born. It right away crawls into its mother’s pouch where it spends the first five months of its life. 

The word ‘pouch’ in the underlined one has a similar meaning to ….

A. Bag.

B. Purse.

C. Compartment. 

D. Tote bag. 

E.  Pocket.

Jawaban: E


Kata ‘pouch’ memiliki arti kantung atau sejenis bagian untuk membawa atau menggendong sesuatu. Apabila dilihat dari opsi yang ada, kata ‘pouch’ bisa bermakna sama dengan kelima opsi tersebut. Namun, jika disandingkan dengan konteks kalimat, kata ‘pouch’ di sini lebih cocok atau bermakna paling dengan dengan kata ‘pocket’. ‘Pocket’ adalah saku yang biasa terdapat di celana atau pakaian. Hal ini hampir mirip dengan bentuk kantung yang dimiliki oleh Kangaroo. 

8. Soal 8

Selfies are becoming more popular now that many teenagers consider smartphones to be standard. Selfies, which are simply self-portraits, are widely shared online and on social networking platforms. Selfies can cause some issues, even if they can initially seem innocent.

Teenagers frequently share selfies on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. After then, they watch to see what kind of response they get. Regrettably, a lot of teenagers base their sense of value on what other people think of their selfies. When a teen posts a selfie and gets compliments on it, they could feel happy. Still, a teenager may feel hurt if they receive no answer. Some teenagers go far when trying to shoot the ideal selfie in an attempt to elicit good responses from others.

Teenagers who struggle with mental health concerns can be particularly vulnerable to developing a selfie obsession. There have been stories of some kids spending hours each day trying to capture a flawless selfie that may assist gain accolades from others on social media. Unfortunately, a teen’s social life and education may suffer as a result of this kind of preoccupation if it gets too strong.

The word “elicit” has a similar meaning to, EXCEPT….

A. Get.

B. Find. 

C. Release.

D. Receive. 

E. Spend. 

Jawaban: E


Kata ‘elicit’ pada kalimat “Some teenagers go far when trying to shoot the ideal selfie in an attempt to elicit good responses from others”, bermakna bahwa para remaja berusaha mendapatkan tanggapan/respons yang baik dari orang lain atas unggahan selfienya. Opsi A s.d. D memiliki makna yang sama, yaitu menerima atau memperoleh. Sementara itu, opsi (E) bermakna mengeluarkan atau menghabiskan. Jadi, opsi (E) tidak sesuai dengan makna pada konteks kalimat tersebut. 

9. Soal 9

Researchers studying motivation encompass a broad spectrum of human qualities and physiological processes, such as the effects of hunger, reward, and punishment, as well as aspirations related to power, material accomplishment, social acceptability, and a sense of belonging. self-actualization and self-worth.  A plethora of theories emerged. Finding the reasons behind an organism’s behavior, both conscious and unconscious, has been the aim of research in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The way that human needs are arranged in hierarchies is a theoretical framework that was first developed by a psychologist in America. 1954: Abraham Maslow.  The necessities of physiological survival, which include oxygen, water, food, rest, and the avoidance of pain, are the needs at the base of the pyramid. According to research-based Maslow’s idea, they are also transferable and could, at least partially, account for certain behaviors, such the desire for food. The human need for security, stability, and protection is the foundation of the second tier.

A person’s drive to fit in can be shown in their wants to get married, start a family, and be a member of a community or group of like-minded people. It can also be seen in their pursuit of specific jobs or careers. The subsequent tier of the hierarchy essentially addresses two substrata: the first subsumes the need for status, prestige, acknowledgment, gratitude, and control, while the second division comprises a collection of emotionally charged characteristics that revolve around competence, self-assurance, mastery, accomplishment, independence, and liberty.

The highest tier, which Maslow called growth motivation and set-actualization, is distinct from the others.  At the greatest level, people strive to develop and utilize their leadership curiosity, understanding, inventiveness, and talent.  People can realize their full potential at this point, accurately observe and accept reality, seek seclusion and depth in interpersonal connections, and so on. Defy enculturation and cultivate humanity, compassion, and social concern. Self actualizers frequently lead extraordinary lives, prioritize personal development over security, and create life-altering peak experiences.

The word ‘plethora’ has a similar meaning to ….

A. Overabundance.

B. Overlap.

C. Confidence.

D. Overreach.

E. Oversimplification. 

Jawaban: A


Kata ‘plethora’ bermakna hal yang berlebihan atau kebanyakan. Kata tersebut memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata ‘overabundance’ yang artinya berlebihan atau berlimpahan. 

10. Soal 10

A tourist-filled footbridge collapsed Wednesday in a hilly resort on Java Island. Five individuals were killed and 29 were injured after they fell into a rocky riverbank, according to police and tourism officials. Surono, an employee at the Baturaden resort in Central Java province, said the victims were evacuated to three nearby hospitals after falling more than 20 meters (yards) after one of the steel cables holding the small bridge snapped. Local police Chief Emron Putra Agung said five people were killed and 29 were injured. The disaster occurred during the country’s weeklong holiday commemorating the conclusion of the Islamic month of Ramadan, when people customarily throng to vacation spots. Baturaden, located 300 kilometers (190 miles) east of Jakarta, is one of the most popular resorts on the slopes of Java’s second-highest peak, Mount Slamet (3,428 meters, 11,246 ft).

The bold word has a similar meaning to, EXCEPT ….

A. Celebrate. 

B. Observe. 

C. Reminisce. 

D. Carry out. 

E. Overlook. 

Jawaban: E


Kata ‘overlook’ berarti mengabaikan atau melupakan. Sementara itu, kata ‘commemorating’ artinya merayakan atau memperingati. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kata ‘overlook’ tidak memiliki kesamaan makna dengan kata yang dicetak tebal. 

11. Soal 11

Born on June 24, 1987, Luis Lionel Andres Messi plays football for FC Barcelona for Argentina. He is not very tall, mostly because of a developing issue from his early years. He has brown eyes. He’s never had short hair.

Lionel Messi began playing football in his hometown of Newell’s Old Boys at a very young age. Due to his hormone deficit, which began when he was 11 years old, Lionel’s parents moved to Barcelona, Spain, since they could not afford the treatment in Argentina.

Messi made his first team debut in a friendly against Porto during the 2003–2004 season, when he was just 16 years old, to commemorate the opening of the new Dragao stadium. Messi made his debut in an official match on October 16, 2004, during Barcelona’s derby victory at the Olympic Stadium (O-1) in the season that followed their championship victory. With three Ballon d’Or awards, he is currently the greatest player in the world in 2010–2011–2012.

The word “debut” has a similar meaning to ….

A. Closing. 

B. Presentation. 

C. Premiere. 

D. Outstanding. 

E. Extravaganza.

Jawaban: C


Kata ‘debut’ memiliki arti penampilan atau pertunjukan perdana dari seseorang  dalam sebuah acara. Biasanya, debut digunakan untuk para aktor, penyanyi, atau lainnya yang menghasilkan produk/karya baru atau kembali tampil setelah sekian lama beristirahat. Jadi, kata ‘debut’ paling tepat bersinonim dengan kata ‘premiere’ karena bermakna sama. 

12. Soal 12

[1] The largest and strongest mammal on the planet is the elephant. [2] With its thick legs, enormous sides and backs, big hanging ears, little tail, small eyes, long white tusks, and most importantly, its long nose, the trunk, this animal has an odd appearance.

[3] Elephants are unique in that they have a trunk that serves a variety of purposes. [4] The elephant can squirt water all over its body like a shower by sucking up water with its trunk. Additionally, it has the ability to lift leaves and eat them. [6] The elephant really uses its trunk as a large arm and hand.  [7] Despite appearing large and cumbersome, elephants can move incredibly swiftly.

[8] Elephants are exceptionally clever animals. [9] It may be trained to perform a variety of tasks, including carrying heavy objects, pursuing tigers, and even engaging in combat. [10] Its intellect and tremendous strength make it an extremely valuable servant to man.

The word ‘swiftly’ has the closest meaning to, EXCEPT ….

A. Quickly. 

B. Rapidly. 

C. Fast. 

D. Betimes. 

E. Hastily. 

Jawaban: E


Opsi (A) s.d. (D) memiliki makna sama dengan kata ‘swiftly’ yang artinya ‘dengan cepat. Sementara itu, kata ‘hastily’ bermakna ‘terburu-buru’ yang tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat pada paragraf di atas.

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