10 Contoh Soal Mencari Informasi Spesifik UTBK SNBT Bahasa Inggris & Pembahasannya

oleh | Apr 14, 2024 | Tips Belajar | 0 Komentar

Salah satu tipe soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris yang sering muncul adalah tentang mencari informasi spesifik.

Topik ini bertujuan untuk mengasah ketelitian SkulChamps dalam menentukan jawaban yang tepat dan memahami keseluruhan isi teks. Selain itu, materi ini biasanya fokus pada pembahasan pada paragraf atau kalimat tertentu. 

Agar SkulChamps lebih terbiasa dengan tipe soal mencari informasi spesifik, berikut ada 10 contoh soal utbk bahasa Inggris yang bisa dipelajari. Mari simak contoh-contoh soalnya pada artikel berikut ini!

Contoh Soal Mencari Informasi Spesifik Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasan

Dalam mengerjakan soal literasi bahasa Inggris, perlu ketelitian dan penguasaan kosakata agar mudah menemukan jawaban yang tepat. Tingkatkan ketelitian dengan memahami dan mengerjakan contoh soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris tentang mencari informasi spesifik di bawah ini:

1. Soal 1

We can all agree that cell phones, handheld phones, or whatever term we want to give them—shouldn’t we be referring to the same thing—are revolutionizing the way we live. However, it takes traditional surveys to make us realize the stark truth that they have altered who we are. It’s true that smartphones have altered how we behave. Perhaps, though, we are unaware of how much we have surrendered to it. Take a look at other findings from the Siemens Mobile Survey: in every country but Australia, the majority of respondents stated they would retrieve their phone if they left it at home (a respectable 39% in Australia). You can understand the sacrifice that about two-thirds of those questioned are making if you’ve ever stuck through traffic in Indonesia, the Philippines, or India. Nothing comes to mind that I would give up, maybe my clothing or wallet.

We’re not happy even if we remember to bring it. If it hasn’t rung or if there hasn’t been a text message for a while—roughly an hour—many of us become nervous. Again, among those polled, Indonesians (65%) and Filipinos (77%) have the most jitters. While 20% of Australians are less serious about it, most other users in Asia appear to be checking their phones every few seconds. I must admit that this statistic seems very plausible, and the inclination is really bothersome. Nothing is more annoying than having a conversation with someone who is always checking their phone.

Then there’s the fact that mobile phones are not only enslaving the user, they’re trampling the rights of everyone else. About one-third of those polled admitted to being so absorbed in phone conversations that they frequently forget they’re talking loudly when discussing personal matters in public. We all agree on one thing, at least most of us. A decrease in civility and thoughtful behavior has resulted from the growing usage of mobile phones, with the exception of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

The main point is that we start to lose some control. While mobile phones are fantastic, if we let them take over our lives to the point where we ignore everyone around us, stare at our phones instead of interacting with them, and send flirtatious texts to random numbers, I have no doubt that in another ten years, society as we know it will cease to exist. All we’ll witness is a haze of digital information having a great time, interacting with others, falling in love, and secretly snapping photos of one another.

Cellphones have not only enslaved the users but have also …

A. Disturbed other people’s conversation in public.

B. Eliminated the existence of social life.

C. Caused the users to act rudely.

D. Makes it difficult for people to interact socially.

E. Made the user extremely thoughtful.

Jawaban: B


Dikatakan pada paragraf ketiga bahwa telepon genggam telah memperbudak penggunanya bahkan merampas hak-haknya. Alasannya dapat dibaca pada kalimat pendukungnya yang menyatakan bahwa poling terbanyak menunjukkan pengguna telepon genggam terlalu fokus pada handphone masing-masing sehingga tidak peduli dengan sekitar. Maka dari itu, secara tidak langsung, mereka juga menjadi tersingkirkan dari kehidupan sosial. 

2. Soal 2

Without water, we could not survive. It is essential for healthy brain and body functioning. It keeps us energized and allows our blood to flow normally. The good news is that most individuals can tolerate minor dehydration, according to private practice internist Dana S. Simpler. “Through a variety of intricate pathways, including decreased urine production, increased reabsorption of water in the intestines, and thirst—which stimulates rehydration—the body regulates fluid balance.”

Simpler takes care to distinguish between clinical dehydration and inadequate fluid intake.

According to her explanation, “the main causes of dehydration are illnesses like fever, diarrhea, and vomiting where excessive fluids are lost and not replaced, or in hot weather conditions or during sports where excessive perspiration is not replaced.”

How much water, then, do you require? What about the time-tested advice to consume eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day? According to Simpler, “it is an oversimplification of what the body usually needs.” “There truly isn’t an ‘optimal’ level of hydration.” Your body needs different amounts of water depending on the climate, your food, and your activity routine. You will require more fluids on some days and less on others.

These liquids can be obtained from almost any food or beverage. Smoothies, juices, and milk are OK. Tea, coffee, and energy drinks are examples of caffeinated beverages that are included. Consuming foods high in water, such as oranges, tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons, is another excellent method to increase your fluid consumption.

Taking everything into account, it makes sense to be aware of symptoms that may indicate a need for increased fluid intake. Here are a few indicators to be aware of: You are dehydrated if you feel lightheaded or exhausted. You are thirsty (it may seem apparent, but a dry mouth and how thirsty you are does connect to how hydrated you are), and your pee is unusually dark (concentrated urine is a clear indicator that you are dehydrated). It indicates that there is more waste in your pee.

What will happen when you exercise more in a day?

A. You will drink more. 

B. You will urinate more.

C. You will dehydrate quickly.

D. You will need more fluids.

E. You will be dehydrated.

Jawaban: E


Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas dapat dilihat pada kalimat terakhir paragraf 2 yang menyatakan, “the main causes of dehydration are … or during sports where excessive perspiration is not replaced.” Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketika seseorang melakukan aktivitas seperti berolahraga, mereka akan dehidrasi karena keringat berlebih yang keluar tidak tergantikan oleh cairan yang masuk ke dalam tubuh. 

3. Soal 3

(1) Vaccines are created to combat illnesses. (2) For instance, the disease-causing bacteria can be put to good use once they have died or ceased to constitute a threat. (3) Pasteur discovered that while antibodies are meant to combat and obstruct an invasive disease, dormant “bacteria, if introduced back into the body by means of inoculation, have beneficial effects and speed up the development of our natural defenses.” (4) Therefore, the same bacteria that cause disease might also cause us to develop additional defenses in both of our skulls to fend off the illness. (5) The renowned French biologist and chemist Louis Pasteur rescued the life of a nine-year-old kid from Alsace, France.

The sentence which is irrelevant to the topic in the text above is sentence number  …

A. 5

B. 4

C. 3

D. 2

E. 1

Jawaban: A


Teks bacaan di atas fokus membahas tentang manfaat dari vaksin sebagai penolong individu dari penyakit. Namun, kalimat (5) membahas mengenai ilmuwan yang telah menyelamatkan seorang anak dari penyakit di Perancis. Informasi ini kurang relevan dengan pembahasan sebelumnya karena tidak berkaitan dengan keseluruhan isi bacaan. 

4. Soal 4

Scientists believe that ammonia and methane made up the majority of the earth’s initial atmosphere. The atmosphere changed into something like the current makeup of 78 percent nitrogen, 20 percent oxygen, and a variety of other gases, maybe 20 million years ago.

The emergence of plant life was one of the main factors in the atmosphere’s alteration; oxygen is a component of the atmosphere today due to plant life and the process of photosynthesis that goes along with it.

Changes in the earth’s atmosphere took place because of the following, except …

A. The earth’s original atmosphere.

B. The changing composition of gases.

C. The development of plant life.

D. The process of photosynthesis.

E. The evolution of the ecosystem.

Jawaban: A


Maksud dari pertanyaan di atas adalah perubahan atmosfer bumi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal, yaitu perkembangan alam dan fotosintesis. Jadi, jawaban yang kurang sesuai untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah opsi (A) yaitu atmosfer original bumi karena tidak berkaitan dengan perubahan yang terjadi. 

5. Soal 5

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been utilized by scientists to investigate the spatial correlations between major earthquakes and their aftershocks. In experiments, AI outperformed several seismologists’ conventional methods in predicting the sites of aftershocks.

Scientists studying earthquakes became very interested in 1992 due to a string of earthquakes. They were attempting to map the precise location of an aftershock based on the potential for a mainshock to shift pressures on nearby faults. Following 1992, scientists started attempting to use other parameters to further refine the intricate stress change patterns. Fault orientations affect the most often used criterion, the Coulomb failure stress change. Stresses, however, might act on the flaws simultaneously from multiple angles. As a result, subsurface fault orientations may be complex.

Using AI, The data contained more than just locations and magnitudes. The data took into account various metrics for variations in the stress caused by the earthquakes on the faults. The AI used the data to learn how likely it was for an aftershock to occur in a certain location. Using data from an additional 30,000 mainshock-aftershock combinations, the team evaluated the accuracy with which the system could identify aftershock locations. The AI consistently outperformed the Coulomb failure criterion in predicting the locations of aftershocks.

However, the study only looks at long-term changes in stress brought on by an earthquake. A shorter-lived source of stress might also cause aftershocks. This kind of tension could be caused by an earthquake trembling through the earth. Is it possible for an AI-based forecast system to react to a seismic event swiftly enough? A wealth of data regarding which faults dropped and by how much helped to inform the forecasts in the new study. Such data would not be available for at least a day following a major earthquake.

For what reason does the author mention the 1992 earthquakes in paragraph 2?

A. To give background for the new approach in seismology.

B. To inform readers of the first occurrence of aftershocks.

C. To describe how extensive the AI research has been done.

D. To illustrate how interesting aftershocks were to seismologists.

E. To give an example of a prominent series of earthquakes in history.

Jawaban: A


Penulis bacaan di atas memasukkan informasi tentang gempa bumi yang terjadi pada tahun 1992 karena peristiwa tersebutlah yang memicu ilmuwan untuk memetakan potensi gempa susulan yang mungkin akan terjadi. Ilmuwan ingin meneliti bagaimana dampak gempa utama terhadap gempa susulan dengan menggunakan kriteria yang berbeda. 

6. Soal 6

Celebrated scientist and astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564–1642)  produced an improved telescope and made numerous important astronomical discoveries. Because of his support for the Copernican doctrine, which held that the sun was at the center of the solar system, he was given a life sentence by the inquisition.

Galileo was born in 1564 to an aristocratic yet impoverished household in Florence, Italy. His parents made sacrifices to ensure he received an education because they saw their child’s natural intelligence and talent. Galileo pursued his studies in the lucrative field of medicine at his father’s suggestion. However, while attending the University of Pisa, Galileo developed a fascination with a variety of topics. Additionally, he criticized a lot of Aristotle’s teachings, which had dominated education for the previous two millennia.

Galileo was chosen to teach mathematics at the University of Pisa, but he was shunned by his peers for his harsh criticisms of Aristotle. He quit and moved to the University of Padua, where he taught arithmetic, following three years of persecution. He was able to spend the next eighteen years exploring his interests in mechanics and astronomy because to the vast audience his engaging lectures drew.

Something that we can learn from Galileo Galilei’s biography is, EXCEPT ….

A. We must always believe whatever the society believes to avoid getting persecuted.

B. We must never go against the beliefs of society to avoid getting imprisoned.

C. We should believe in something and stay faithful to it no matter how hard.

D. We must sacrifice everything to get ourselves educated.

E. We should spend 18 years pursuing our interests. 

Jawaban: E


Hal yang dapat dipelajari dari biografi Galileo Galilei adalah bagaimana diri sendiri bisa berjuang dan menunjukkan fakta baru yang bisa mengubah dunia.  Opsi (E) kurang tepat karena seseorang tidak harus menghabiskan waktu 18 tahun untuk mencapai keinginannya.

7. Soal 7

Celebrated scientist and astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564–1642)  produced an improved telescope and made numerous important astronomical discoveries. Because of his support for the Copernican doctrine, which held that the sun was at the center of the solar system, he was given a life sentence by the inquisition.

Galileo was born in 1564 to an aristocratic yet impoverished household in Florence, Italy. His parents made sacrifices to ensure he received an education because they saw their child’s innate intelligence and talent. Galileo pursued his studies in the lucrative field of medicine at his father’s suggestion. However, while attending the University of Pisa, Galileo developed a fascination with a variety of topics. Additionally, he criticized a lot of Aristotle’s teachings, which had dominated education for the previous two millennia.

Galileo was chosen to teach mathematics at the University of Pisa, but he was shunned by his peers for his harsh criticisms of Aristotle. He quit and moved to the University of Padua, where he taught arithmetic, following three years of persecution. He was able to spend the next eighteen years exploring his interests in mechanics and astronomy because to the vast audience his engaging lectures drew.

According to the biography, why did Galileo Galilei resign from his teaching job at the University of Pisa?

A. He had attracted many followers.

B. He was persecuted for three years.

C. He was appointed as a mathematics professor.

D. He wanted to pursue his interests in astronomy and mechanics.

E. He had a better offer from the University of Pisa.

Jawaban: C


Galileo Galilei pindah ke Universitas Pisa karena dirinya ditunjuk untuk mengajar matematika di sana (kalimat 1 paragraf 3). Setelah itu, ia pindah ke Universitas Padua karena dikritik keras dan dijauhi rekan-rekannya. 

8. Soal 8

The federal government, state governments, and municipal governments are the three governmental tiers in Australia. These tiers of government are all essential. There are several causes for this. First, for big things, the federal government is required. They manage defense and maintain order in the economy. In a similar vein, middle-sized entities are handled by state governments. For instance, they maintain peace and order, stopping acts of vandalism in educational institutions. Lastly, the minor details are handled by the local government. They handle things like picking up trash because if they did not, everyone would be sick. We can therefore infer that the three tiers of governance are essential for the reasons mentioned above.

Who is responsible for the defense?

A. Federal Government.

B. State Government.

C. Federal and State Government.

D. Federal and Local Government.

E. Local Government.

Jawaban: A


Pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas pertahanan negara adalah pemerintahan federasi. Jawaban ini dapat ditemukan pada kalimat, “They manage defense and maintain order in the economy.” Kata ‘they’ merujuk pada subjek kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu federal government.

9. Soal 9

(1) The biological, psychological, and emotional changes that take place in people from birth until the end of adolescence as they transition from dependence to greater autonomy are referred to as child development. (2) It is an ongoing process that follows a foreseeable pattern yet takes each child by surprise. (3) It advances at different rates, and the development types that came before it have an impact on each stage. (4) Genetics and prenatal development are typically addressed in the research of child development because these developmental changes may be significantly influenced by genetic variables and events during fetal life. (5) Child care centers offer a vital chance to support children’s development. (6) Developmental change can be brought about by learning and environmental variables, or by genetically regulated processes called maturation; however, a combination of the two is most frequently involved. (7) Human nature and our capacity to absorb information from our surroundings could also be to blame.

Which sentence is irrelevant to the topic of the passage?

Jawaban: C


Topik utama bacaan di atas adalah tentang perkembangan anak (child development). Sementara itu, kalimat 5 membicarakan tentang program kepedulian tentang anak (child care programs). Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimat 5 tidak berhubungan dan tidak koheren dengan topik yang dibahas dalam bacaan di atas. 

10. Soal 10

In the modern world, recycling is crucial if we wish to leave this planet for the next generation. Since we are creating new products from outdated, useless ones, it is beneficial for the environment. Recycling as much as you can is crucial for a variety of reasons.

Reusing materials to create new products lessens the demand on finite resources. Recycling therefore contributes to the future preservation of natural areas and raw materials. When recycled materials are used in manufacturing, a significant amount of energy is saved compared to when new items are made from raw resources.

Recycling lessens the need for raw material extraction (mine, quarrying, and logging), refining, and processing—all of which significantly contaminate the air and water. Recycling helps combat climate change by lowering greenhouse gas emissions in addition to saving energy. 

More than 1,500 landfills can be found in the UK, and in 2001, they accounted for 25% of the country’s methane emissions. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that is emitted during the breakdown of biodegradable waste, like food and paper. There is very little room for additional landfills because the ones that already exist are filling up quickly.

If we want to avoid the steep fines and landfill levies that the Central Government is imposing on councils that send more waste to landfills than they are allowed, we must drastically reduce the quantity of rubbish we send to landfills. The only ways to pay these fines would be through service reductions in other areas or increases in your council tax. 

We know from the text that … if we recycle.

A. Landfill sites will decrease.

B. Air and water will never be affected.

C. Climate change will continue.

D. More new products will be reduced.

E. Natural habitats will be affected.

Jawaban: B


Ketika melakukan daur ulang, dapat dikatakan bahwa tindakan tersebut akan memengaruhi kondisi air dan udara. Hal ini lantaran daur ulang mengurangi kebutuhan untuk mengekstrak bahan mentah yang secara langsung atau signifikan mencemari udara dan air (Kalimat 1 Paragraf 3). 

Yuk, Latihan Soal UBTK SNBT Bersama Skuling!

Jika melihat contoh soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris di atas, mungkin kamu akan kesulitan karena harus membaca teks bacaan yang panjang. Namun, jika SkulChamps sudah mengetahui cara mengerjakannya, kamu pasti akan lebih terbiasa dalam membaca teks panjang. 

Salah satu tips yang perlu dilakukan adalah banyak berlatih soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris. Kamu bisa belajar dari berbagai sumber seperti aplikasi belajar Skuling.id.

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