Macam-Macam Teks Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Contoh Soal + Penjelasannya

oleh | Feb 27, 2024 | Tips Belajar | 0 Komentar

Untuk masuk ke kampus impian melalui jalur UTBK SNBT, kamu harus benar-benar belajar dan mempersiapkan diri dengan matang. Ada banyak sekali subtes yang harus dilewati, dan salah satunya adalah tes skolastik Literasi Bahasa Inggris.

Dalam mengerjakan tes skolastik Bahasa Inggris, kamu akan menemukan banyak macam teks. Supaya lebih mudah memahami dan mengerjakan soal, kamu harus tahu nih apa saja macam-macamnya. Berikut macam-macam teks bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan contoh soal dan pembahasannya. Selengkapnya simak dibawah ini!

1. Teks Deskriptif (Descriptive Text)

Teks deskriptif (Descriptive Text) adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran atau deskripsi yang detail tentang suatu objek, tempat, orang, atau situasi tertentu. Fokus utama dari teks deskriptif adalah memberikan informasi tentang ciri-ciri fisik, sifat, atau karakteristik suatu hal sehingga pembaca atau pendengar dapat membayangkan atau memahaminya dengan jelas.

Ciri khas teks deskriptif yaitu melibatkan pemilihan kata-kata yang deskriptif dan ilustratif untuk menyampaikan informasi secara gamblang. Teks ini sering kali menggunakan kalimat deskriptif, seperti penggunaan adjective (kata sifat) yang kaya dan kalimat perbandingan untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas.

Bisa dibilang, tipe soal ini sering menanyakan pertanyaan yang cukup tricky. Itulah mengapa, kamu perlu mencoba lebih banyak variasi soal literasi Bahasa Inggris agar terbiasa mengerjakannya.

Contoh soal teks deskriptif

Mercury, the planet nearest to the sun, has been shaped by volatiles, which are substances that can solidify, flow, or evaporate into space over time. The most volatile substance on Mercury, salt, seems to have reorganized the planet’s terrain over an extensive period of billions of years and perhaps moves at a gradual pace, resembling glaciers. The volatile substance has the potential to create suitable environments for life in subterranean habitats. For a considerable time, scientists have held the belief that a significant number of Mercury’s distinct landscapes have been formed by volcanic fragments originating from the planet’s interior. Nevertheless, a recent research suggests that the intensely heated planet has accumulated a significant amount of easily evaporating substances in large quantities within the outer layer of Mercury, potentially forming a widespread reservoir. The presence of volatile substances might perhaps explain the formation of two prevalent geological characteristics: chaotic terrains and glacier-like movements.

The surface of Mercury is characterized by a disordered arrangement of hills, plateaus, and grooves. Previous hypotheses have proposed that the tumultuous landscape was mostly formed by volcanic eruptions in the distant past. Nevertheless, the researchers emphasize the presence of several disordered landscapes that contain remnants of large and tiny craters that have collapsed in the distant past. It is believed that the crater-preserving chaotic terrains were generated by a different process: the release of volatile substances from the ground into space, causing the land to lose its structural stability and collapse, similar to a Jenga tower.

The widespread presence of surface volatiles and their geological impacts indicate the existence of significant subsurface quantities. According to Rodriguez and his team, there is a layer in the planet’s crust that has a high concentration of volatile substances. This layer can extend several kilometers below the surface and may provide areas where living organisms might survive, protecting them from the harsh temperatures on Mercury’s surface. It is unexpected to find glaciers on Mercury, considering their widespread occurrence in our solar system.

(Adapted from:

What recent research findings challenge previous hypotheses about the formation of chaotic terrains on Mercury’s surface?

A. The disorderly landscapes of Mercury, such as chaotic terrains, are mostly ascribed to volcanic eruptions and crater collapses, as previously hypothesized.

B. Recent research indicates that the formation of erratic terrains on Mercury may have been caused by volatile substances accumulating in the planet’s outermost layer, as opposed to earlier hypotheses that volcanic debris from Mercury’s interior shaped its distinctive landscapes.

C. The dominant geological features seen on the surface of Mercury, including hills, plateaus, and grooves, have been definitively attributed to volcanic eruptions, ruling out any impact of volatile chemicals on the planet’s topography.

D. While acknowledging the presence of volatile substances on Mercury’s surface, the recent research emphasizes their negligible role in the formation of chaotic terrains, attributing these landscapes primarily to the remnants of collapsed craters.

E. The research findings indicate that Mercury’s chaotic terrains were exclusively shaped by the gradual movement of glaciers, challenging the previous notions of volcanic eruptions and volatile substances as major contributors to the planet’s distinct landscapes.

Jawaban: B


Teks tersebut membicarakan hasil penelitian terbaru yang menantang hipotesis sebelumnya mengenai pembentukan medan daratan yang tidak teratur (chaotic terrains) di permukaan Merkurius. Sementara hipotesis sebelumnya mengaitkan lanskap khas planet ini dengan fragmen vulkanik dari bagian dalamnya, penelitian terbaru memberikan penjelasan yang berbeda. Menurut temuan terbaru, terdapat zat yang mudah menguap yang terakumulasi di lapisan luar Merkurius, yang bertanggung jawab atas pembentukan medan yang tidak teratur tersebut, bukan disebabkan oleh aktivitas vulkanik. Temuan ini menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dari pemahaman sebelumnya dan menyoroti peran potensial zat mudah menguap dalam membentuk permukaan planet Merkurius. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi B.

2. Teks Naratif (Narrative Text)

Teks naratif (narrative text) adalah sebuah jenis teks yang bertujuan menceritakan suatu cerita atau kejadian secara berurutan. Teks ini memiliki unsur-unsur tertentu, seperti karakter, setting (tempat dan waktu), plot (alur cerita), konflik, dan resolusi. Fokus utama dari teks naratif adalah menyampaikan suatu pengalaman atau kejadian dengan cara yang dapat memikat pembaca atau pendengar.

Dalam teks naratif, cerita biasanya dibangun melalui serangkaian peristiwa yang terhubung satu sama lain. Ada awal, tengah, dan akhir yang membentuk struktur cerita. Karakter-karakter dalam cerita memiliki peran masing-masing, dan konflik sering muncul untuk menambah ketegangan dan menarik minat pembaca.

Contoh soal teks naratif

In 2023, a worrisome research reveals that the Earth’s seas have absorbed an astonishing quantity of surplus heat, comparable to the evaporation of billions of Olympic-sized swimming pools. Encompassing 70% of the Earth’s surface, oceans have traditionally served a vital function in preserving the habitable nature of our planet. They have absorbed a significant 90% of the surplus heat resulting from human carbon emissions since the onset of the industrial era. According to estimates from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Chinese Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), the seas absorbed an additional 9 to 15 zetta joules of heat in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching levels that have never been seen before.

The research, published in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, suggests that in 2023, both sea surface temperatures and the energy accumulated in the upper 2000 meters of the ocean reached unprecedented levels. The stored energy serves as a vital indication of global warming, being less influenced by natural climatic fluctuations compared to surface temperature. The significant amount of energy stored in the seas had a major role in making 2023 the warmest year ever recorded, characterized by intense heatwaves, prolonged droughts, and widespread wildfires. As the temperature of the seas increases, there is an influx of heat and moisture into the atmosphere, resulting in erratic and severe weather phenomena such as strong winds and substantial precipitation.

The main factor contributing to the increased sea surface temperatures is global warming, predominantly resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels. The continued global warming trend intensifies the impact of natural occurrences like El Niño on sea surface temperatures. In addition, the increasing ocean temperatures and salinity, which are presently at their highest levels, contribute to a phenomenon known as “stratification.” The stratification of water has significant implications, affecting the transfer of heat, oxygen, and carbon between the ocean and atmosphere, which might potentially result in oxygen depletion in the ocean. Scientists are growing more alarmed about the oceans’ capacity to sustainably absorb 90% of the surplus heat produced by human activities over an extended period of time.

(Adapted from:

When compared to the information presented in the first paragraph, how does the information presented in the second paragraph relate to it?

A. The second paragraph contradicts the information in the first paragraph by suggesting that sea surface temperatures and accumulated oceanic energy did not reach unprecedented levels in 2023.

B. The second paragraph provides additional evidence supporting the idea presented in the first paragraph, confirming that stored energy in the seas played a major role in making 2023 the warmest year ever recorded.

C. The second paragraph introduces a completely unrelated topic, diverting from the information presented in the first paragraph about the Earth’s seas absorbing surplus heat.

D. The second paragraph acknowledges the findings of the research in the first paragraph but argues that the increased sea surface temperatures in 2023 are primarily due to natural climatic fluctuations rather than global warming.

E. The second paragraph undermines the significance of the surplus heat absorbed by the oceans, suggesting that it had a minimal impact on the overall temperature trends in 2023.

Jawaban: B 


Sepanjang teks, terdapat penuturan yang konsisten mengenai penyerapan panas berlebih oleh laut di Bumi, peran energi yang disimpan dalam membuat tahun 2023 menjadi tahun terpanas, dan dampak peningkatan suhu laut terhadap pola cuaca. Paragraf kedua memperkuat dan mendukung informasi di paragraf pertama dengan menekankan tingkat suhu permukaan laut dan energi laut yang terakumulasi pada tahun 2023 yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Pilihan B dengan tepat mencerminkan hubungan antara kedua paragraf tersebut serta menyoroti bahwa informasi di paragraf kedua sejalan dengan dan memperkuat isi paragraf pertama.

3. Teks Ekspositori (Expository Text)

Teks ekspositori (expository text) adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan informasi atau menjelaskan suatu topik secara rinci dan objektif. Teks ini biasanya disusun dengan cara yang sistematis dan berbasis fakta, bertujuan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik kepada pembaca mengenai suatu konsep, ide, atau fenomena.

Karakteristik utama dari teks ekspositori melibatkan penguraian informasi, memberikan definisi, memberikan contoh, memberikan penjelasan, dan menyajikan fakta secara logis dan terstruktur. Teks ini sering kali tidak melibatkan opini pribadi penulis, tetapi fokus pada memberikan pemahaman yang jelas dan objektif tentang suatu subjek.

Bagi sebagian orang, tipe soal ini terlihat cukup susah dipahami. Namun, kamu bisa mencoba strategi belajar Bahasa Inggris yang tepat supaya bisa menyelesaikannya.

Contoh soal teks ekspositori

Rwanda, an EAC member, saw its lower legislative house pass legislation declaring Swahili an official language in 2017, joining Kinyarwanda, French, and English. Swahili will be included in Rwanda’s educational curriculum, in addition to being utilized for administrative purposes. In Uganda, the government approved the formation of the National Swahili Council in September 2019. According to Article 6 (2) of the Ugandan Constitution, “Swahili shall be the second official language in Uganda, to be used in such circumstances as Parliament may by law prescribe.” South Africa, which has 11 official languages, established Swahili as an optional topic in its curriculum beginning in 2020 in 2018. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) designated Swahili as its fourth official language in 2019.

Despite the fact that Swahili is the most commonly spoken African language, with around 150 million speakers mostly in East Africa, the Great Lakes area, southern Somalia, and portions of Southern Africa, its internet exposure is poor. In an op-ed published in the Nation, a Kenyan daily, John Walubengo, a lecturer at the Multimedia University of Kenya, claims that the lack of online linguistic and cultural variety promotes “a society with a ‘tunnel-vision’ view of the world.” 

The tone of the passage is ….

A. Objective.

B. Outraged.

C. Critique.

D. Entertain.

E. Opinion 

Jawaban: A


Paragraf di atas menjelaskan bahwa teks yang diberikan termasuk dalam kategori ekspositori. Teks tersebut berupa teks informatif, yang berarti tujuannya adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi secara objektif. Dengan kata lain, penulis menggunakan kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang bersifat faktual dan tidak memihak kepada pihak tertentu. Tak heran, jawabannya A. 

4. Teks Pengumuman (Announcement Text)

​​Teks pengumuman atau announcement text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk memberikan informasi, pemberitahuan, atau pengumuman kepada khalayak umum atau kelompok tertentu. Tujuan utama dari teks ini adalah menyampaikan pesan secara jelas dan tegas. Teks pengumuman biasanya menggunakan bahasa yang formal, ringkas, dan mudah dipahami.

Ciri-ciri teks pengumuman melibatkan penggunaan kalimat langsung, penulisan singkat dan padat, serta fokus pada informasi yang ingin disampaikan. Teks ini dapat ditemukan dalam berbagai konteks, seperti pengumuman acara, kebijakan perusahaan, informasi penting di sekolah, dan lain sebagainya.

Contoh soal teks pengumuman


The following things are never permitted by international security standards to be brought onto a plane by passengers, either in carry-on luggage or checked baggage. Weapons, such as guns and knives; explosives, such as fireworks and dynamite.

The following things are allowed to be checked but not carried on in carry-on luggage. Sports equipment; golf clubs, baseball bats, skis, and ski poles; tools, such as hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches.

Every bag that enters the security line is scanned by our X-ray equipment, and some bags are also personally inspected by staff members.

Thank you for your cooperation. Have a safe and pleasant flight.

The word ‘pleasant’ in the underlined one has an opposite meaning to …

A. Cozy.

B. Pleasure.

C Nice.

D. Comfortable.

E. Horrible.

Jawaban: E


Kata ‘pleasant’ berarti nyaman atau menyenangkan. Kata ini berlawanan dengan ‘horrible’ yang berarti tidak nyaman atau mengerikan. 

Nah, berikut di atas merupakan macam-macam teks bahasa Inggris yang sering muncul di UTBK SNBT berikut contoh soal dan pembahasannya. Kamu bisa berlatih dengan variasi soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris lainnya hanya di

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